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Arij. For Your Publishing Needs.

’Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing’—Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Arij—Terms and Conditions

Proof Reading

The fee will be negotiated along the guidelines proposed in our list of fees. Normally, a sample of the document to be proof read is used to estimate and generate a quote and target date.

The proof read document is methodically checked to bring it up to the standard to be expected of a well-educated native writer with no apparent punctuation, spelling or grammar mistakes, and that it is clear and conveys the right meaning to those reading it. Proof reading will reduce errors to a minimum, but may not eliminate them entirely.


For documents of up to 300 words a minimum fee will be payable. For documents over 300 words a fee will be negotiated along the guidelines proposed in our list of fees.

The translated document is of the standard to be expected of a well-educated professional translator. The translation is produced to a deadline and to a price. The translation is designed to convey the sense of the original document to the well-educated reader in the target language.

Arij translators will do their best to resolve textual problems and cultural issues arising from the translation process. Arij are not responsible for pointing out all errors in the source text. In spite of the translator's best efforts to reduce errors to a minimum, there may be errors in the translated version.

If the document is to be published, it should be proof read after it has been translated by a third party who is a native speaker of the target language. Proof reading will reduce errors to a minimum, but may not eliminate them entirely.

Formatting of Documents

Arij undertakes to translate documents in whatever clearly legible form they arrive. Translators normally use Microsoft Word on Mac or PC to produce the version in the target language. This version will normally be sent electronically or by first class post to the client.

If time and expertise are required to format the document specially to meet the client's needs there may be an extra charge for this service. The rate for this charge will normally be agreed at the outset.

Payment of Fees

Private clients will pay for documents on collection. Payment may be made in cash, bank payment or transfer.

Unless an alternative arrangement has been agreed beforehand, business clients will be invoiced on job completion. Payment is due within 7 days of receipt of our invoice.


All aspects of our client's details in connection with translation and proofreading carried out by Arij are subject to the strictest confidentiality.

Data Protection

Client data will be input to our database which will be used exclusively by Arij to maintain the effectiveness of our service.